Leave a Legacy
Include Park Ridge Friends of the Parks in your Estate Plan
Your planned gift will sustain the park system’s excellence and ensure quality service and programming for future generations. Planned gifts and bequests enable you to arrange charitable contributions in a manner that maximizes personal objectives and financial goals. You can choose to designate a gift to an interest of your choice, such as a favorite park, facility, or program area, or to allocate your gift to the Park Ridge Park District’s area of greatest need.
Since the Park Ridge Friends of the Parks is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, your planned gift may be entitled to a charitable income or estate tax deduction. Your tax advisor can help you choose the best type of gift for your specific circumstances.
Some examples of planned gifts include:
Gifts in a Will or Trust
A bequest in your will and naming the Park Ridge Friends of the Parks in your living trust are the easiest and most popular deferred gift plans. Donors may name the Park Ridge Friends of the Parks as a percentage beneficiary, for a specific dollar amount or specific assets, or as a residual or contingent recipient. Your assets can be used to support the Park Ridge Friends of the Parks for the purposes you have documented.
Life Insurance
Life insurance is a simple way to leave a philanthropic mark. You can name the Park Ridge Friends of the Parks as a beneficiary.
Retirement Plan Assets
Retirement accounts often are subject to income and estate taxes, which may be avoided or reduced through a deferred gift. Naming the Park Ridge Friends of the Parks as a beneficiary of your retirement account can provide a meaningful gift to the Park Ridge Friends of the Parks and produce significant tax savings for you and your heirs.
Thank you for your thoughtful generosity.